Neighbours Aid provides funding to projects to help locals through education, healthcare, and other necessities. This support also helps their families and communities.

Donate today to help Neighbours Aid support those in need. 

Working Together To Change Our World

I would like to donate:

A one off donation of $100 $ 100
A one off donation of $50 $ 50
A one off donation of $25 $ 25
A one off donation of $10 $ 10
A monthly donation of $100 $ 100
A monthly donation of $50 $ 50
A monthly donation of $25 $ 25
A monthly donation of $10 $ 10

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Neighbours Aid Ltd (AUS)
Neighbours Aid is a partner for Project Neighbours Aid Community Projects in India (Projects J770, J874), Israel (Projects BO55, BO56), Malawi (Project J395) and Kenya (Project J396) with Global Development Group (ABN 57 102 400 993). Tax deductible receipts for gifts over $2 with a preference for the Neighbours Aid Community Projects will be issued by GDG. If funds raised exceed the requirement for these projects, the funds may be directed to another approved activity. Please note, no non-development (evangelistic, political or welfare) activities are a part of, or funded by, the GDG projects. For more information, please visit